Time.com Quotes of the Day

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As a blogger I have always appreciated TIME Magazine delivered to my home to read through the traditional paper pages, particularly before bed. Its on the nightstand. But I also relish the online search engine and ability they give me as a blogger to share it online, so I’m glad they spoil us both ways. This posting is self updating.

“It is either sublime or ridiculous that one of the most important tools available to Iranians protesting the June 12 presidential election is Twitter… Twitter is basically a toy for flirting and telling people what your cat is doing. But in one of the Internet’s great Velveteen Rabbit moments, the toy has become real.” this week in TIME. Gotta love it.

Share this posting please as it will open minds to what human consciousness is thinking. Isn’t it about TIME.

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A Tough Climate for Teen #Employment

Graphic representation of a minute fraction of...
Image via Wikipedia

HAM_main_2ndQtr09_02A Tough Climate for Teen Employment

Summer jobs have always been a great opportunity for teens not only to make a little extra money, but to gain some valuable work experience, and to get a good feel of the responsibilities and expectations that await them in the years ahead.

Unfortunately, today’s teens are facing a tough economy that will directly affect their employment prospects this summer. At the time of the writing of this article, unemployment is at a 16-year high. In fact, more jobs were lost last year than any year since 1945.

This means competition for jobs, even part-time or seasonal employment, will be extremely fierce, and much more so than when you were their age. Reports suggest that there are now three applicants for every one employment opportunity available.

With this in mind, now might be a good time to prepare your kids for the challenges they will certainly face. And while a pep talk is helpful, start early and guide them through every step of the process. Remind them that, as diligent and determined as they might be, it’s just possible that, despite their best efforts, they may not be able to get a job at all.

The good news is that your kids have access to more employment resources than you had. Beyond the classifieds, school counselors, and your networks of family and friends who might be able to help in your search, the Internet offers a wealth of social media and networking resources, like Linked-in®, Facebook, and Twitter, that can help them expand their contacts and their search capabilities – plus many kids today have already mastered the use of these websites and know how they work.

Other great places to look online are websites like Teens4Hire.com and SnagAJob.com which are dedicated to matching teens to the right employers. Just remember, other savvy teens have access to these tools as well, so you don’t want to wait.

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Twittering Basics ( #twitter #twittering )

Image representing Twitter as depicted in Crun...
Image via CrunchBase

I’ve put together a basic Twitter guide that explains how to use it, Twitter lingo, privacy options, mobile applications that can be used with the service and problems that it has. Let’s get started.

Basically, Twitter is a Social-Networking Service which connects Followers, Not Friends, on PCs and Mobile Phones.

Twitter limits social-networking updates to 140 characters or less. The service is surprisingly useful, but does leave room for improvement.

At any rate, Twitter is a free social-networking tool that keeps people connected with one another and with sources of information. Twitter users submit updates about whatever they’re currently doing, and these updates cannot exceed 140 text-based characters.

Lingo: Twitter is the name of the service. The term twittering describes the activity of updating a Twitter account. A tweet is an individual Twitter update. Twitterers are people who use the service. Continue reading