Privacy Tips, Tools and Resources

Privacy International 2006 privacy ranking; se...
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Below are links to online tools and resources that will help you learn more about consumer privacy issues and take steps to protect your privacy.

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“Rescue Specialist” Scammers are Out There!

picture-29If You’ve been contacted by a foreclosure “rescue specialist” who promises to help you avoid foreclosure for a fee then it’s a trap. Legitimate foreclosure consultants do not seek you out; you go to them. The huge number of at-risk borrowers has created a whole new opportunity for scam artists who can easily find victims by scouting public records for notices of default.

The most common ploy: They’ll offer to negotiate a deal with your lender if you pay the fee first; once you pay, they’re gone. An even nastier scam involves getting you to sign documents for a new loan that will supposedly make your existing mortgage current, but instead you’ve been tricked into surrendering title to the scammer in exchange for a “rescue” loan.

If you’re facing foreclosure start with the National Foundation for Consumer Credit Counseling, to put you in touch with a housing counselor in your area: call 866-557-2227.

If you think you’ve been a victim of foreclosure fraud call 1-877-FTC-HELP, or your state attorney general’s office. More info on foreclosure scams is at, and at

You will be eligible to buy a house in the future if you take steps today to start rebuilding your FICO score if its been damaged by a Scam.  To monitor and take control your credit we recommend Equifax.  Equifax can help you increase your credit score, save money, and even prevent identity theft.


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